Tell the Lege: Kids Need Health Care, Not More Red Tape

Texas has the nation's worst uninsured rate for kids — and you'll see one of the big reasons why if you read the new San Antonio Express-News article, Texas Kicks Thousands of Low-income Children Off Medicaid Over Missing Paperwork.


One mother, Rocio Castillo of San Antonio, told the newspaper that her children have lost health coverage due to continued requests for more paperwork. "She is constantly sending documentation to the state, she said, even though nothing is changing with her family income."

State legislators have filed the Children's Health Coverage Bill, HB 342 and SB 637, to fix this problem and keep more kids healthy by verifying their Medicaid eligibility on an annual basis.

There was a great hearing at the Legislature on HB 342, but if the Texas House Human Services Committee doesn't hold a vote on the bill soon, it's going to be very difficult for the bill to make it through the legislative process in time.

Will you help keep this legislation moving and make sure more Texas kids can see the doctor when they need to?

At this point in the legislative session, you have to start wondering if the Texas Legislature is going to do ANYTHING this year to address our state's sky-high uninsured rate.

We'd still like to believe they will do something if we keep raising our voices, and the Children's Health Coverage Bill is a great place for them to start.

Thank you for speaking out to let state leaders know that this issue must be a priority.