Our 2025 Legislative Agenda
During the 2025 session of the Texas Legislature, Cover Texans Now is advocating for the following policy recommendations. You can download a PDF of the policy agenda here.
Improve Access to Health Coverage in Texas
Expand Medicaid to cover uninsured, low-wage adults.
Ensure continued funding for Healthy Texas Women.
Opt in to multi-year continuous Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage for babies and children to ensure critical care in the first years of life is not disrupted by red tape process.
Improve Medicaid and CHIP Coverage, Services, and Network
Cover Medicaid and CHIP services to promote better birth and postpartum outcomes.
Provide coverage and adequate reimbursement for mental health services for children and adults and eliminate arbitrary caps on services.
Prioritize provider shortage solutions such as reimbursement strategies and evidence-based expedited credentialing.
Streamline reimbursement, billing, and enrollment processes for Medicaid providers and reduce administrative burden to incentivize practitioners to enroll in the program, including clarifying application steps.
Help Eligible Texans Get and Stay Enrolled
Support the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s request to invest in revamping the state’s eligibility and enrollment systems so it works well for eligible families trying to use it.
Restore funding for community-based outreach and application assistance and enhance state outreach.
Remove barriers in state enrollment systems that keep eligible Texans from getting or staying covered.
Automate eligibility and enrollment process to save agency staff time and taxpayer dollars and grow Texas ex parte eligibility determination rate by accepting the state’s most recent income data sources.
Notify parents about their children's eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP health coverage when determining their eligibility for food assistance.
Maintain record Texas Affordable Care Act Marketplace enrollment through HealthCare.Gov to ensure Texans have reliable access to comprehensive, qualified insurance coverage.