TX Lege Should Pass the Children's Health Coverage Bill

PDF updated: February 13, 2019

Texas has the nation's highest uninsured rate for kids — and it's getting worse. But the Texas Legislature can do something about it.


A great way for the Legislature to make sure more kids stay covered and get the health care they need is to pass the children's health coverage bill. The bill would allow kids who are currently eligible for Medicaid insurance to stay enrolled in Medicaid for 12 continuous months. Currently, Texas policy requires many parents to go through several extra rounds of paperwork during the year, resulting in many children temporarily falling off of their insurance and missing out on the health care they need. The children's coverage bill would keep more kids insured and healthy while cutting down on the costly paperwork that burdens the state, parents, and doctors.

Read more in this two-page explanation of the bill from the Children's Health Coverage Coalition, the Texas Association of Health Plans, and the Texas Association of Community Health plans: