Worst Report Yet on TX Uninsured? Tell Legislators to Step Up!

We knew that Texas had the worst uninsured rate for adults in the country. Then we learned that the uninsured rate was even worse in rural Texas communities. After that we found out that Texas has the highest children's uninsured rate in the nation — and that it's getting worse for kids of all backgrounds.


Now a new report by the Center for Public Policy Priorities shows that half of the women between the ages of 15 and 44 in Dallas county are uninsured.

While the CPPP report focused on Dallas county, we know that the state Legislature's policy decisions have left high numbers of women uninsured in communities throughout Texas — and the consequences are devastating.

If we want healthy Texas moms, healthy pregnancies, and healthy babies, then the Legislature needs to reduce the uninsured rate. If we want to fight cancer, provide mental health treatment, and tackle the opioid epidemic, then the Legislature needs to reduce the uninsured rate. If we want families — and rural hospitals on the brink of closure — to be able to pay their bills, then the Legislature needs to reduce the uninsured rate.

On January 8th, the Texas Legislature begins its 140-day session. They have the power to reduce the uninsured rate. And you have the power to make them do it.

Please visit our action center today to urge your state legislators to reduce the uninsured rate during the 2019 legislative session:

Thank you for fighting for health care for Texas families!