This is It! Get Ready to Advocate for Medicaid
Whether you are coming to Austin to be with us on all day on March 5th, planning to attend only the 11:30 Texas Medicaid Matters rally, or simply participating from the comfort of your home, you are an invaluable part of “Texas Medicaid Matters!” Tuesday's big health care advocacy day. Right now, powerful Texas leaders need to hear from us all that health care for Texas families and children is a priority. We also need your help with a push to get our state to cover 1.5 million of our fellow Texans through a Medicaid expansion that other conservative states have already approved.
Here’s what you can do to be ready on March 5th, and keep up the message in the days ahead.
1) If you’re joining us in person: Our pre-registered participants can check out our “Getting Ready for March 5″ Advocacy Day Packet
What’s going to happen on the big day? Where do you need to be when? What should you say when you meet with a lawmaker? How should you talk about Medicaid or Medicaid expansion? What tough questions might you have to answer? And how you can involve your friends back home in the big day?
Find all the answers in our packet for pre-registered participants to get yourself ready for March 5th. Wear red or yellow to show your support! For more details about event logistics, like parking and more, click here.
2) Regardless of where your are on March 5: Take Part in Virtual Advocacy Day
We have a full toolkit–ways you can update your profile pic, share your story, sign online petitions, connect with your legislators on social media, and spread the health care message on Facebook and Twitter.
Our full Virtual Advocacy Day toolkit is here to help. You can also share content directly from our Facebook and Twitter pages.
We also are seeking to make some big noise on Facebook and Twitter with Thunderclap, a crowd-speaking tool we'll use to get the attention of the Texas legislature. We need at least 100 people to sign on for the Thunderclap to happen: a single tweet or Facebook status update that happens from 100 Texans simultaneously to amplify the message. Your account will be used only once, only for this purpose, and only if 100 users sign on. Please join with us to send an overwhelming social media message to the Texas Legislature!
Written by: Christine Sinatra, Texans Care for Children