Reach Out to Local Leaders about Medicaid Expansion
With the Texas State legislative session underway, it is time to fight for Medicaid expansion. Without the expansion, it will be our local communities and families that will suffer, while also leaving counties to pick up the bill. Therefore, some of our most important allies are county, city, and local government officials coming out and standing up for Medicaid expansion, either through signing an official resolution or letters of support. Chambers of commerce, local hospital district officials, and other local groups likewise are standing up to be powerful voices for extending Medicaid for more Texans who need it. Texas Well and Healthy has created a toolkit with all of the information you or your organization will need to reach out to your local leaders. It includes:
Steps for reaching out
Draft resolution
Talking points
A county-by-county report by the Center for Public Policy Priorities on how the Medicaid expansion will affect and benefit each county (and an explanation on how to understand and use this report)
A press release for sending to your local media
Please download the toolkit and join the fight for healthy families and communities in Texas!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Laura Brubaker, at [email protected].
Written by: Laura Brubaker, Progress Texas