Legislative Health Care Boot Camps - Jan. 22 & 23
Health care makes a huge difference for families' economic security and for individuals' health and well-being. It also can seem pretty complicated, particularly when it comes to the public policies that shape the health care millions of Texans receive. This complexity shouldn't stand in the way of our elected officials making informed decisions to help connect Texas children and families to the health care they need and to bring communities the resources they need to thrive and be healthy. That is why the Texas Well and Healthy Campaign is hosting back-to-back "boot camps" for legislative staff, lawmakers, and others interested in learning about the basic health care issues Texas faces. At our two-day breakfast series in the Capitol Grill, our community educator Cheasty Anderson will introduce the key concepts decision-makers need to understand to make good decisions about Texas Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.
For complete details and to register to join us, click here.
We also are a part of the Texas CHIP Coalition that will host a legislative briefing on its agenda on January 24. To register for this event, click here.