TX Candidates Want Your Vote. Ask Them This First.


With early voting already underway in Texas, candidates for the Texas Legislature, Congress, the White House, and other offices are frantically asking you for your vote.

They may be texting you, emailing you, inviting you to events, or knocking on your door.

But before you give the candidates an answer, they should give you some answers. 

If you want to push them to make health care a priority, here are a few questions to ask Texas candidates:

  • Texas leaders and the White House are pushing a Health Care Repeal Lawsuit that would end protections for pre-existing conditions and other health benefits. 

    So, do you support the Health Care Repeal Lawsuit?

  • Texas has the nation's worst uninsured rate. The high uninsured rate includes kids and adults of all backgrounds and communities. 

    So, what is your plan to reduce the Texas uninsured rate?

  • After Texas reviews and approves children's applications for Medicaid, the state often conducts another inaccurate, error-ridden review just a few months later. As a result, eligible kids are mistakenly kicked off their health insurance. 

    So, do you support keeping eligible Texas kids enrolled in health coverage?

Thank you for asking candidates the hard questions on health care and putting this critical issue on the agenda!